No more hand written-tags | Easy online tagging system | Faster Drop-off | Daily sales tracking | Online Donation Reports
Price items to sell! Our shoppers are savvy. If you price items too high, they will not sell and may be pulled at inspection.
Barcodes will print directly onto your tags. Print tags on WHITE CARDSTOCK ONLY (65lb+)
DO NOT print on copy paper.
Affix tags with safety pins, clear packaging tape, twine or zip ties. DO NOT tape over the barcode. The barcode will not scan.
**New Consignors must register for a consignor number through our link to MySaleManager. Hand written tags will no longer be accepted!
Once you receive your consignor id and password, log into your account. A login link is also available in the menu bar at the top of the page FYI.
RETURNING CONSIGNORS: Use your previously assigned Consignor #/login
**Log into MSM with your previously assigned Consignor #/pw and click on “Register for our upcoming sale”
Click on “Activities Menu” – “View/Approve Seller Agreement” – this is required to participate!
Consignors may log in to their account to input or edit inventory, volunteer shifts and drop off as many times as needed until the tagging deadline.
1. Log in to your Consignor account. A quick link is available on the MENU BAR at the top of our website.
2. Click on the ACTIVITIES MENU button and select “work with consigned inventory”.
3. Click on ACTIVE INVENTORY and select the entry version-ie: pc/laptop, mobile, voice mobile.
4. CATEGORY: review all options and select the best. The category field will remain the same until you change it so it’s helpful to consecutively tag like items. ie: Clothes-Girls, Shoes-Boys, Toys, Bin Items, etc. **BOUTIQUE ITEMS and UNIFORMS will have separate sections. You must indicate these specialized categories on items that you wish to be placed in these special sections.
5. SIZE: ALL CLOTHING MUST HAVE A SIZE. Do not put small, medium, large unless it is maternity. If you have a 6 month item, please select 6 month, NOT 6. ONLY non-clothing items may have “SEE DESCRIPTION” as a category. The size field will remain the same until you change it so it’s helpful to consecutively tag like-sized items or non-clothing items together.
6. DESCRIPTION #1: Brand Name & Type (ie: Carters Dress)
7. DESCRIPTION # 2: Color and Description (ie: Red and Black polka dots) Be as descriptive as you can be without using capital letters or going over allotted space (24 character max).
8. PRICING: Determine your price. Hanging items must be a minimum of $3. Price in increments of $1.00. Consignors make their own prices. Suggested pricing is 1/2 or 1/4 of the retail value. Our shoppers are savvy, so please price to sell. Items priced too high will not sell and risk being pulled at inspection.
9. DISCOUNT: Items marked “discount” will be 50% off on our discount days and 70% off at our clearance event.
10. DONATE: Check this box to donate your item if UNSOLD. Your item will be sorted and donated to one of our charitable partners.
11. CLICK SUBMIT ITEM: It will add to your inventory list
12. If you make an error or need to correct an item, you can click on “EDIT ITEM”
Once you have completed inputting your consigned inventory, you will want to RETURN TO INVENTORY MENU in order to print your tags. You will see the number and total dollar value of the items that you put into the system. Remember you can come back to your account as many times as needed to add additional inventory. You do not have to print until you have entered all of your items, however we suggest printing after each category as it can help reduce printing errors should they arise.
You must reprint price tags if you make any changes to them. All of the tag info. is embedded into the barcode. DO NOT TAPE OVER THE BARCODE. Our scanners can not read through tape.
Once you return to the inventory menu, select the PRINT TAGS button. You will have the option to print selected tags, all tags or tags as a pdf.
PRINT SELECTED TAGS if you have printed tags previously, so you do not REPRINT tags that you have already printed. Select the tags that you want to print. Review the inventory icon legend button–There is an icon that will show you what tags you have already printed.
PRINT ALL TAGS (HTML) if you are printing at home from your personal computer. **PLEASE BE SURE YOUR POP UP BLOCKERS ARE TURNED OFF.** If a new screen does not open when you select print, it is most likely because your pop up blocker is preventing it from doing so.
PRINT ALL TAGS (PDF) If you need to email your tags to someone to print for you, select the print tags as pdf. option and attach the pdf. to your email. If you are having layout issues with your tags when printing at home, try to print all tags as PDF. to help standardize the formatting across all browsers.
CLOTHING: All clothing should be hung with the hanger facing like a (?) question mark. Tags should be pinned with a HORIZONTAL safety pin in the upper right hand corner of the garment..
SHOES: shoes should be securely help together with zip ties or twine. Hole punch your tag and affix it to the shoes. DO NOT put shoes in plastic bags.
TOYS: When tagging toys, use safety pins or clear packaging tape. Any loose items should be put in zip lock bags and securely taped with clear packaging tape or shrink wrap. Make sure that extra pieces are secured well to ensure the items stay together during the sale.
BIN ITEMS: Any bagged bin items should have the tag taped to the OUTSIDE of the zip lock bag with packaging tape. Scotch tape will not hold. Do not tape over the barcode. Our scanners can not read through tape.
MISSING TAGS: Items missing tags will NOT be sold. They will be placed in Lost & Found (hoping the tag will be found). Please be sure to check the lost and found at consignor pick up. Unclaimed items will be donated.
Be specific with descriptions on your tags to help us in the event of a lost tag so we can help find the match.
Lost & found items are not kept by WEERUNS after the sale. Per your consignor agreement, WEERUNS is not responsible for LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGED merchandise. If you are missing items, we suggest you write them off as a donation.
Tips for Consignors on printing tags
This should be used when you have unsold items from a previous sale that you would like to try to sell at an upcoming sale. Please remember those item(s) you move into your active inventory must be acceptable items for the upcoming sale. ie: current season clothing